We make it EASY!! ENJOYABLE!! and inexpensive too!
The only thing you really need is a desire to have FUN.
If you just want to try the sport of curling without committing to a full year's league, look for our Open Houses in October and January or join a Novice League. The Novice League is a combination of instruction and games and lasts only 8 weeks.
If you want to jump in and join one of our leagues then fill out the Registration Form or obtain a form from the Community Center front desk.
NO equipment needed - Unlike other sports where you need to purchase expensive equipment, curling can be learned without any initial investment.
Curling broom - feel free to use one of the club's many "experienced" brooms. Ideal for newcomers, until they get the urge to buy their own.
Footwear - again, for newcomers, you are free to bring a pair of clean tennis shoes (or other rubber soled shoes) and use the "sliders" we have at the club. Or we can put duct tape on the bottom of one of your shoes, to help you "slide" on the ice. Once you get the curling fever you may wish to purchase your own curling shoes with built in sliders as they are more comfortable, and insulated, so they are warmer.
Gloves - wearing any pair of light gloves you already own is recommended for gripping the broom, and keeping the fingers warm. Special curling gloves, like baseball batting gloves, can be purchased.
Clothing - warm, loose fitting clothing is recommended. Pants or slacks should be "stretchy", and sweaters with light jackets are common.
Rocks - you will be happy to know that the club supplies all of the 44lb. curling stones that are needed.
Register Online!
Login at Greater Midland Community Center’s WebTrac Page.
Under the Search menu, click Curling Leagues.